
Bryan Jarrett - October 13, 2019

The Trust Test

Abraham shows us how to trust profoundly and doubt with honesty. Trust is not the absence of doubt; it’s obeying God in the face of your uncertainties. And we’ll see from Abraham’s life, how God welcomes and embraces the doubter all while addressing their doubts. It’s titled: The Place of Doubt in Learning to Trust. There’s a big difference between believing and trusting. You can believe in something but not be ready to put your full weight on it. You subconsciously think it is “belief-worthy,” but not trustworthy. That’s the way too many people approach their relationship with God; they believe in God, but they don’t trust him. Be careful; there’s a lot of preachers out there selling the benefits of walking with God. He will protect. He will provide for you. He will promote you. And the crowds are cheering: We believe! We believe! But those blessings don’t come through your belief. Those kinds of covenant blessings come through your trust.

From Series: "Unfinished: The Life of Abraham"

If you drive through a large US city and pass a church, a mosque, and a synagogue, the worshippers inside of every one of them see themselves as children of Abraham. Three of the world’s largest religions, the majority of the world’s population, look to Abraham as the father of their faith. Too often, when people study Abraham’s life, they see all these big things and the lasting results and residual of his life. That may be true, but there is something so much more significant that it always gets overlooked. Abraham was responding to the call of God. The call of God is what makes your life unique. It’s what sets you apart and marks you for something unique. Now don’t misunderstand what I’m saying here. In our circles, when someone here’s the phrase “the call of God,” we immediately assume the Call to pastoral ministry or preaching or missions. Pastoral ministry is not at all what I’m referring to when I speak of the call of God on Abraham’s life. Abraham's call, was a call to a relationship, a call to a profound personal encounter, a call to know God and be known by God. And Abraham’s response to that call is what made him “bigger” than life. God is extending that same call is to every one of us in this room or watching online: It’s The Divine Call to Leave an Eternal Legacy.

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