Bryan Jarrett - December 1, 2019

Waiting in Joy

Advent contains many profound spiritual truths, but none more prominent than the ability to “wait well.” Advent is a journey of eager, expectant, and hope-filled waiting. Advent offers us awaiting, one that is finite. There is a set date on the calendar when the waiting will end, and we know that when we get to the end, we will find something desirable. But much of the waiting that occupies our lives is open-ended. We spend much of our life waiting on a promise. The most challenging thing about waiting is not knowing when it’s going to end. Waiting brings questions without easy answers. When you’re in long seasons of waiting, you start asking questions like: Should I change course or hold out for my heart’s desire? Is my unfulfilled yearn an indicator of sinful discontentment or merely a blessing God hasn’t yet fulfilled in his sovereign time? All the feel-good Christmas movies intensify the hope of a happy ending in time for Christmas. The lonely find families and the lost make it home. But in the real world, Christmas often comes and goes without fulfilling the longings of our hearts. Advent is about more than anticipating Christmas. The word “advent” signifies “coming.” Yes, we remember that Jesus came to earth as a baby; but moreover, we prepare our hearts for His second coming when He will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

From Series: "Joy To Your World"

Christmas at Northplace 2019

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