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Close"As I prepared for our time together today, there were three groups of people strongly on my heart: The battle weary saint, the graduate, the convictionless Christian. "The Battle Weary…This is the person who is spiritually, emotionally, and physically exhausted. This season of your life has been plagued by battles on every front. You have recently said something similar to this: The Lord promised us he wouldn’t put on us more than we could bear. I don’t want to question him but I don’t know how much more I can handle. You’re tired, you’re fatigued, your fingers are slipping at the end of the rope. You’re Battle Weary. "The Graduate…This is the student who is finishing high school or college. Your so excited that school is over or about over that you are beside yourself. But underneath all that excitement there is this anxiety or even fear of the unknown in your future. "The Convictionless Christian…This is the person who enjoys the very real presence of God. They worship, they love Sunday, they love whole walking with Jesus thing…until walking with Jesus is an inconvenience. When being a Christ follower is going to cost them something they will compromise what it means to walk with Jesus for the sake of their own enjoyment or comfort. "There will relevance to what the Holy Spirit is leading me to say today to everyone listening but if you are battle weary, a graduate, or a convictionless Christian…lean in a little closer today." Pastor Bryan Jarrett
From Series: May 2015 | More Messages from Bryan Jarrett
Guard the Unity of the Spirit | John Cruz | January 5, 2014 | Watch | ||
Starting Point - Everything Has A Starting Point | John Cruz | February 9, 2014 | Watch | ||
Starting Point - Don't Stop Believing | March 23, 2014 | Watch | |||
Starting Point - Invitation | March 30, 2014 | Watch | |||
The Power of One Person | April 6, 2014 | Watch | |||
Punto de Partida - Invitación | John Cruz | April 6, 2014 | Watch | ||
The Journey to Relentless Joy - I'd Rather Have Jesus | May 18, 2014 | Watch | |||
The Name - Hope - Wonderful Counselor | November 30, 2014 | Watch | |||
The Name - Immanuel | John Cruz | December 24, 2014 | Watch | ||
The God-First Life - A New Life | January 25, 2015 | Watch |
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