Bryan Jarrett - August 30, 2015

Moments - The Regret of a Missed Opportunity


Last week, we had a special weekend. We celebrated our one-year anniversary in this new facility. We launched our Saturday night worship experience. We had a record Non-Easter attendance. But the greatest news of all is that over 50 people committed or recommitted their lives to Jesus Christ! Last week, I talked in a very raw and open way about my past of sin and addiction and the defining moment that REVERESED the downward spiral of my life. At one of the lowest points of my life during a season of rebellion and addiction, I was confronted with a truth about life…my own mortality. Dealing with life and death issues made me deal with spiritual matters in a way I had avoided my entire life. In those moments I made a decision to cry out to Jesus. He graciously and compassionately responded. Today, I want us to continue to delve into the power of these seemingly insignificant—brief periods of time…that end up defining our lives. BUT… instead of looking at the positive outcomes of making the right decision in that moment, we need to consider the ramifications of making the wrong decision…or…making no decision…because Indecision in a defining moment is the same as a wrong decision.

From Series: "Moments"

Life is full of defining moments. Right now, you are either facing a defining moment or you are between defining moments. Like landmarks on a map, defining moments are the key points along your life’s journey.

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