Bryan Jarrett - September 6, 2015

Moments - Jesus is Enough


Two weeks ago we launched this 4-week conversation called Moments. Life is full of defining moments. Right now, you are either facing a defining moment or you are between defining moments. Defining moments are the landmarks on your life’s journey. In week one, I talked in a very raw and open way about my past of sin and addiction and the defining moment that REVERESED the downward spiral of my life. Last week, we talked about the Regret of Missed Opportunity. Today, I want to open up about another personal life defining moment. When I survey the last 41 years of my life, this experience has to rank in my top five life-altering moments. It all started after coming out of a season of great personal sacrifice. Here’s what I learned in that moment: Jesus…is…Enough. In this Life Defining Moment, I learned about the sufficiency of Christ. I heard another pastor say it this way: Jesus Plus Nothing Equals Everything or think of it as an equation… Jesus + Nothing = Everything. It all starts and ends with Jesus. Think about your start. I want you to think with me about how YOUR faith journey began. Regardless of where you are spiritually today… What defined what you believe about God, church, faith, and the bible? And when did that start happening? For most of us, the starting point of our faith was somewhere in childhood… we had a conversation with a parent, priest, or a pastor or we heard something in church, at a camp, or at a school. Somebody handed you some building blocks that laid the foundation of your faith journey…or maybe you weren’t handed anything about faith…but over time you pieced things together…and based on your own experiences and disappointments…somewhere…way back in childhood… you started putting together your faith journey. Then something happens as we get older and our childlike faith takes a hit. We become adults and our problems mature, but for some reason our faith doesn’t mature with us. The rigors and the pressure of adult life start poking holes in all those neat bible stories that meant so much us when we were kids…and then the foundation that we thought was so firm doesn’t seem to support the challenges of adult life. For more information visit

From Series: "Moments"

Life is full of defining moments. Right now, you are either facing a defining moment or you are between defining moments. Like landmarks on a map, defining moments are the key points along your life’s journey.

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