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Bryan Jarrett - February 2, 2020


The big dream is often so overwhelming that you don’t even know where to start. You’re paralyzed by the magnitude of it, so you never get around to doing anything productive about it. You sit around waiting on your lucky break or some blessing to fall from heaven. You’ll never do anything until you give yourself permission to dream small. What’s an initial step? It is a small thing that is possible to take the initiative to tackle, to move you forward to what God has put in your heart. There are some cultural trends, even church trends, and belief systems,…that will kill your personal drive and initiative. In this message, we will look at this from a practical perspective, a biblical perspective, and then we want you to see what initiative it has to do with the gospel and being a follower of Jesus.

From Series: "Get Up And Lead"

At Northplace, we've been planning and praying over this year for a long time, believing God to do something special. This weekend, we're kicking off the year with a series called "Get Up And Lead." We have this sense that God wants to take some biblical principles from the life of Jesus to make you better in whatever area of influence you are. If you're a father, or you're a mother. If you serve in an office, you own a business, you're a coach or a teacher; there are principles in the word of God that will help you be better in that classroom or on that team. You don't have to just make it to the end of the day, you have a choice in life. You could be a thermometer and let your life be dictated by the temperature in the room, or you can be the thermostat; you can set the temperature in the room. We want to equip you to be the thermostat. We want to equip you to know how to set the temperature in whatever circle of influence that you have from a biblical framework.

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