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Bryan Jarrett - January 19, 2020


We can't overstate the impact of attitude in a person’s life. Outside of our relationship with Jesus, there’s probably no other factor that will determine your success or failure more in life. And you’ve probably noticed that attitudes run in groups. In other words, individual attitudes attract people with similar attitudes. And you can often see certain attitudes passed down from one generation to another, so much so, that families are commonly known by their attitudes. We have the old story of the two fighting families… the Hatfields and the McCoys. Families have distinct attitudes. Businesses have attitudes, the same is true with restaurants, airlines, and churches. Romans 12:2 NLT 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Don’t miss what Paul is saying. He’s warning us. Don’t copy the world’s way of thinking. As a follower of Christ, don’t take on the attitudes of the world around you, but instead, let God transform you. That word for transform here is the Greek word methamorpho, which is where we get our English word metamorphosis. It means a complete change; a total transformation. Let God morph you, totally change you by changing the way you think. The bottom line, when you come to Christ, he changes the way you think, which means there should be a dramatic change in your attitude. He transforms the way you relate to everything.

From Series: "Get Up And Lead"

At Northplace, we've been planning and praying over this year for a long time, believing God to do something special. This weekend, we're kicking off the year with a series called "Get Up And Lead." We have this sense that God wants to take some biblical principles from the life of Jesus to make you better in whatever area of influence you are. If you're a father, or you're a mother. If you serve in an office, you own a business, you're a coach or a teacher; there are principles in the word of God that will help you be better in that classroom or on that team. You don't have to just make it to the end of the day, you have a choice in life. You could be a thermometer and let your life be dictated by the temperature in the room, or you can be the thermostat; you can set the temperature in the room. We want to equip you to be the thermostat. We want to equip you to know how to set the temperature in whatever circle of influence that you have from a biblical framework.

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